Thursday, March 11, 2004


I suspected even before the first stone, or the first html tag, if you please, was laid for my blog, that it would face a steady threat of a dishonourable death, every single minute of its existence. I mean, it is simply inconceivable by any stretch of the imagination, that my royal torpor would ever allow me to stoop so low as to post here regular-ishly, or do anything regular-ishly for that matter. That would be SO against the grain of my nature that a part of me is actually slightly surprised at the surfeit of inquiries (:p) that have been pouring in about my general well being, 'that I have taken such a protracted leave from the public eye. Anyway, I'm currently under the influence of a transient vigour-mortis, implying that there is more claptrap coming your way now on, and more frequently than before. So brace yourself and get your dodging act together. I hope you haven't despaired too much during this time.
At any rate, it isn't quite as though I don't have a kind of a valid alibi. In this short time, I have successfully managed to impose on my days, some kind of a morbidly decent routine, which is a slight improvement over its much more horrible predecessor. Meaning to say that I have begun to wake up pre 6am and go for a jog, reach work before 8:30am, so I'm back home by 7. That means that I now have a semblance of an evening to spend, which otherwise would only start at some god-forsaken hour post 10pm, and end almost immediately, owing to the unimaginable exertions that we are put through at work all day. Plus, a couple of days ago I got this cool new net connection, which is decently fast and is the fixed price, unlimited usage kind. Hence $Title.