Saturday, February 05, 2005


All the learning of my vast experience boils down to this: that quotes make for excellent fillers (and, if push comes to shove, starters and end-ers too) - I mean, if you're ever at a loss for words, wondering what to write or say, dropping a quote, it seems, is the very thing to do. Still, as with everything else, there's only so much of it you can take. Unfortunately, only some people share that sentiment, to the utter merriment of those who don't. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for quoting people and quoting from books, for "what are they but the noblest recorded thoughts of man"? But, I mean, what?! There - if anybody previously held any illusions that I'm any different, I've hopefully just dispelled them. But, at least, I'm slightly better than a certain 'corporate visionary' (come on, how many can you think of?:-D), who, in an interview recently, was found quoting liberally from "a book that my wife read". Tut tut. That's intellectual degeneracy taken too seriously. Anyway, coming back to the point, erm...ok, there wasn't one? Just as well.

Which, nevertheless, brings me to a related point - if one is so compulsive about the whole wonder-what-to-write thingummy anyway, why go to the effort of creating blogs and such others in the first place? Therein, I think, lies the answer - because this 'effort' is negligible effort, practically no effort at all. Tell me, if instead of getting to pick these ready-made templates, you had to actually build your blog, tag by painful html tag, and ftp it to the server every time you changed the font of the sub-footer, would you still have a blog? Would I still have one? You would?! Well, too bad.

Anyway, I can plainly see about two dozen chinks in this line of argument already, but heck, what the heck! :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Guess you're off again...Even tho there wasn't a point, you write well lol..:)...As for having a blog after creating one, guess that wud drive you to keep for me, I love typing n need to write something..hence I blog..a ready made template is kinda like fast food...

V :) 

Posted by V